Talk on engaging women at Tutwiler Prison in vegetable gardening

Dr. Sharon Everhardt, Chair of the Anthropology, Sociology, and Criminal Justice Department at Troy University, and Dr. Stephen Carmody, an Archaeology professor at TROY, spoke to the Troy Rotary Club on April 26th regarding an innovative program to engage women at Tutwiler Prison in vegetable gardening.  This grant-supported project is receiving national attention as an effective program for incarcerated women.

26th April Dr. Stephen Carmody, and Dr. Sharon Everhardt
Rotarian Brenda Campbell, Dr. Stephen Carmody, and Dr. Sharon Everhardt

Rotary Club of Troy donates to the Pike County Child Advocacy Center, The director speaks on dealing with child abuse

The Troy Rotary Club hosted Ms. Kaley Green, the director of the Pike County Child Advocacy Center at

the April 19th Rotary Club meeting.  Ms. Green gave a presentation on the role of the Child Advocacy Center in serving a four-county region in helping families, law enforcement and the courts deal with instances of child abuse.

Rotarian James Bruce and Kaley Green
Treasurer Bob Mills presenting a check to Kalee Green, the Director of the area Child Advocacy Center

Jennifer Ventress, a former hospital nurse and school health professional, spoke to the Troy Rotary Club

Troy native, Jennifer Ventress, a former hospital nurse and school health professional, spoke to the Troy Rotary Club on April 12.  Jennifer, who is a former member of the Troy Rotary Club, is a candidate for the position of Pike County Coroner.

04/12/2022 Jennifer Ventress
Rotarian Karen Herring, Jennifer Ventress, and Rotarian Tiffany Button.

School Resource Officers Sgt. Tim Brooks and Deputy Hope Carlisle of the Pike County Sheriff’s Department, presented Alcohol Awareness program for youth.

Russell Thomas and Robert Whaley hosted School Resource Officers Sgt. Tim Brooks and Deputy Hope Carlisle of the Pike County Sheriff’s Department. The presented a program about the Department’s Alcohol Awareness program for youth.

School Resource Officers Deputy Hope Carlisle and Sgt. Tim Brooks

The Sheriff’s Departments are certified in providing education and advice to local schoolchildren regarding the health hazards of vaping, alcohol use, and the hazards associated with abusing drugs.