Service Projects


The Troy Rotary Club engages in a wide variety of service projects that support our community.  The Club will support the following projects throughout the year.


August                Collect School Supplies   For more details  Click here

September         Troy Resilience Project for Children

October              Support Pioneer Days at the Troy Pioneer Museum

November          Support the local Food Bank.

December          Salvation Army Bell Ringing and Turkeys from Heaven

January               Chili Cook-Off

February            Valentine’s bags for Troy Rehab Center

March                 Dictionaries for Third Graders

April                    Support for Boy Scouts and for Special Olympics

May                     Miracle League Buddies

June                    Miracle League End of Year Party


Each year the Club participates in a Fund Raiser to support the global effort to eliminate polio.

The Club conducts the Nolan Hatcher Service Above Self Scholarship Program for a graduating high school senior each spring.