Past Troy Rotary Presidents
Name | year | |
J. Alexander Henderson | 1920-21 | |
John H. Wilkerson | 1921-22 | |
Walter C. Black | 1922-23 | |
Emory Folmar | 1923-24 | |
John W. Bowers | 1924-25 | |
Pete C. Black | 1925-26 | |
Ewell C. Bassett | 1926-27 | |
Sam A. Williams | 1927-28 | |
Sebastian Mary | 1928-29 | |
Ceph Johnston | 1929-30 | |
H. T. McKinnon, Sr. | 1930-31 | |
Ed. F. Dunbar | 1931-32 | |
J. Lane Enzor | 1932-33 | |
Marvin N. Dodson | 1933-34 | |
Levert D. Bynum | 1934-35 | |
Gillis G. Greene | 1935-36 | |
Leon Rosenberg | 1936-37 | |
Reginald Capers | 1937-38 | |
William H. Murphree | 1938-39 | |
J. Glenn Crouch | 1939-40 | |
Sebastian Mary | 1941-42 | |
Joseph Carroll | 1942 | |
W. O. Porter, Sr. | 1942-43 | |
Ellis L. Boatner | 1943-44 | |
W. W. Pointer | 1944-45 | |
J. Roy Crow | 1945-46 | |
Curren M. Farmer | 1946-47 | |
Robert A. McGehee | 1947-48 | |
Judson Colley | 1948-49 | |
James W. Gaylard | 1949-50 | |
G. Robert Boyd | 1950-51 | |
J. Rucker Ashworth | 1951-52 | |
Mose E. Hollis | 1952-53 | |
W. L. Thompson, Jr. | 1953-54 | |
T. C. Cole | 1954-55 | |
Melvin J. Livings | 1955-56 | |
Wesley W. Dorrill | 1956-57 | |
Glenn Jones | 1957-58 | |
Donal Dunbar | 1958-59 | |
Eugene E. Cox | 1959-60 | |
Edwin P. Murphree | 1960-61 | |
Carroll Lawrence | 1961-62 | |
Corley Chapman | 1962-63 | |
C. B. Smith | 1963-64 | |
Curren A. Farmer | 1964-65 | |
Brantley Wiley | 1965-66 | |
William T. Wilks | 1966-67 | |
Doug Hawkins | 1967-68 | |
H. T. McKinnon, Jr. | 1968-69 | |
Rudolph Shelley | 1969-70 | |
David Hightower | 1970-71 | |
Roy Jeffcoat | 1971-72 | |
John Long | 1972-73 | |
Charles Meeks | 1973-74 | |
Jack M. Curtis | 1974-75 | |
Clifford White | 1975-76 | |
Kenneth Cox | 1976-77 | |
Robert Paxson | 1977-78 | |
J. C. Harden | 1978-79 | |
Robert Ezell | 1979-80 | |
Paul Anderson | 1980-81 | |
Cleo Speights | 1981-82 | |
Duane Tway | 1982-83 | |
Tom Collier | 1983-84 | |
Ken Hendricks | 1984-85 | |
John Witherington | 1985-86 | |
Rhae Swisher | 1986-87 | |
Stuart Adendorff | 1987-88 | |
Al Whittle | 1988-89 | |
James Wood | 1989-90 | |
Joe Faulk | 1990-91 | |
Nolan Hatcher | 1991-92 | |
Hilmer Jones | 1992-93 | |
Wayne Curtis | 1993-94 | |
Basil Drake | 1994-95 | |
Doug Mims | 1995-96 | |
Lowell Carter | 1996-97 | |
John Schmidt | 1997-98 | |
Jerry Williams | 1998-99 | |
Chris Schubert | 1999-00 | |
Earl Ingram | 2000-01 | |
Bob Mills | 2001-02 | |
Carol Franks | 2002-03 | |
Don Pitts | 2003- 04 | |
Vickie Bowen | 2004 – 05 | |
Henry Stewart | 2005 – 06 | |
Ken Vaughan | 2006-07 | |
Ray Smith | 2007-08 | |
Dave Barron | 2008-09 | |
Robert Hawkins | 2009-10 | |
Kenny Cox | 2010-11 | |
Adam Drinkwater | 2011-12 | |
John Dew | 2012-13 | |
Charlotte Minnick | 2013 – 14 | |
Keith Roling | 2014 – 15 | |
![]() Ed Hedden(2015-2016) | Scott Hartley (2016-17) | James Bruce (2017-18) |
![]() Maggie Hammond (2018-19) | ![]() Earl Ingram (2020-21) | ![]() John Dew (2021-22) |
Troy Rotary 2020-21
Message From 2020-21 President Earl Ingram
It is a privilege and an honor to serve this 2020-21 year as president of the Rotary Club of Troy Alabama. Our accomplishments in service to the Troy community and the world would not be possible without the leadership of our board and generous support from our club members.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our club’s social media sites. They will give you a glimpse into who we are and what we do. We have fun helping others!
While we’ve been limited during the past several months by the Covid pandemic to virtual club meetings, by any measure our service to the community has not been virtual, and we’ve not missed a beat.
We will post a notice on our media sites once we reconvene the live meetings, and we invite you to join us at the Troy Country Club, noon every Tuesday. You have an open invitation to visit us as a guest at any of our weekly club meetings, socials or at join us in local community service events.
Dr. Earl Ingram, President