The club honored Scott Hartley and Maggie Hammond with Paul Harris Fellow for their outstanding work and contribution to our community. They both are great inspirations to us and we congratulate both.

The club honored Scott Hartley and Maggie Hammond with Paul Harris Fellow for their outstanding work and contribution to our community. They both are great inspirations to us and we congratulate both.
Rotary club of Troy has earned the Rotary Citation, the most significant award a Rotary club can achieve, for 2021-22.
Our Rotary International President wrote to us:
Dear 2021-22 Club President,
Congratulations! Your club has earned the Rotary Citation, the most significant award a Rotary club can achieve, for 2021-22. This past year, your club demonstrated a commitment to achieve its goals, which ultimately helps strengthen Rotary and shape our future.
I encourage you to display it proudly to celebrate your club’s achievement.
Once again, congratulations on a successful year as club president!
Shekhar Mehta
2021-22 RI President
Ms. Miley Taylor is the 2022 recipient of the Troy Rotary Club’s Interact Scholarship. She is a graduate of Charles Henderson High School and will enroll at Troy University as a Junior this August.
We wish her the best!!
The community is very thankful for their generosity and service.
Rotarian and former Club President Ed Hedden received his Paul Harris + 2 Award from President John Dew. We thank him for his outstanding contribution to Troy Rotary.