Rotary Club of Troy added Two more members, Andrea Pack and Larry Cordaro

Rotary Club of Troy added two more members, Andrea pack and Larry Cordaro.

Andrea pack is a director of Johnson Center for the Arts.

Larry Cordaro is a director of Basketball Operations at Troy University. He was a rotary club member at Alexandria in Louisiana and moved to Troy recently.

We welcome both of them and looking forward for their contribution to our club.


Chase Cobb, President of Economic Development for Troy and Pike County inducted as a new member into Troy Rotary Club

Rotarian Scott Hartley and Mr. Chase Cobb

Chase Cobb is the President of the Pike County Economic Development Corporation. In his position, he represents and assists local industries and businesses in strategic planning, site assistance, retention and expansion projects and other business related initiatives. He also coordinates industrial and retail recruitment efforts in partnership with the County Commission, the City of Troy, and surrounding municipalities.

Before serving in his current role, Chase served as the Director of Government Affairs for the Association of County Commissions of Alabama representing the 67 county governments before the Alabama Legislature and various state agencies. 

Welcome Chase!!

Troy Rotary adds 3 more members, Anthony Kilpatrick, Raj Vinnakota and Sara Shaver

We added three new Rotarians on Tuesday, Sara Shaver,Raj Vinnakota, and Anthony Kilpatrick.

Anthony Kilpatrick is an insurance agent. Raj Vinnakota is a professor -ordinator of EET program at Troy University. 
Sara Shaver is the minister at Park Memorial United Methodist Church.

Club President John Dew and new Rotarians Anthony Kilpatrick, Raj Vinnakota, and Sara Shaver.

Please welcome them