Please welcome new Rotarian: Dr. Kerry Palmer, Dean for the College of Education at Troy University

Please welcome our newest Troy Rotarian, Dr. Kerry Palmer, Dean for the College of Education at Troy University, who was inducted into the club today, 27th July!

Dr. Kerry Palmer, Dean for the College of Education at Troy University

Dr. Kerry Palmer presently serving as Dean of the College of Education at Troy University. Him and his wife, Robyn have two children. LeeAnn is a junior at Troy, and Benton is a senior at Pike Road High School.

Dr. Palmer received his bachelor’s degree in music education at Troy “State” University in 1995. He also played in the band and served for three years as drum major of the Sound of the South. He then embarked on a 24-year career as a teacher and administrator in K12 schools, rounding that out with 10 years as principal and headmaster at Trinity Presbyterian School in Montgomery. Along the way he received graduate degrees from Auburn University. His family attends St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Troy. Dr Palmer said that his wife Robyn and him plan to make his home in Troy next summer after his son, Benton graduates and that ee is enjoying making new friends in the wonderful community of Troy.

We welcome him and wish him and his family best of luck.